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911 Restoration of Cleveland

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45 min. RESPONSE


Water Damage Avon Lake

When flooding or other forms of water infiltration take place, there is no one more trusted and counted upon to get the work done than 911 Restoration Cleveland owner Allen Smith, and the water damage Avon Lake professionals.Water Damage Restoration Technician Doing Wall Removal

Extreme weather effects such as high wind and heavy rain or snow have the ability to do serious damage to the homes in the area.

When this happens, an immediate response is the best way to mitigate increase loss, and this is why Allen Smith and his water damage Cleveland crew are capable of arriving within 45 minutes of a call for help.

“We can be anywhere quickly, and we are available 24/7/365 days a year so that no matter what happens, we can take care of people and their homes properly,” Allen says.

Not only does Allen and his water damage Cleveland team get to the job as quickly as possible, but they also make sure to bring the best tools including advanced suction equipment and the latest drying technology to all their projects.

If your home is currently experiencing an influx of flooding and you want the water damage eliminated by true experts who are dedicated to saving your home and your wallet, then contact Allen Smith and the water damage Avon Lake professionals with 911 Restoration Cleveland today!

Water Infiltration Tips and Tricks

Eliminating fluids that have already damaged property is the bread and butter of 911 Restoration Cleveland, but they are also experts at preventing water damage in the first place too.

“We get called every day when the weather starts to get nasty from people who are just trying to find out what they can do to protect their property from damages,” Allen says.

“So we spent some time and compiled a list of lots of ways that people can do simple maintenance to protect their homes no matter what season it is.”

  • Water Damage Restoration From Bathroom FloodMake sure the downspouts are directed away from the foundation of your structure in order to stave off the chances of liquefaction from taking place.
  • Don’t let your gutters get clogged as this may create overflow and ice dam situations which can spread, warp and destroy the layers that protect your roof.
  • Check the property for trees with limbs that may fall off during high wind or heavy rain and snow. These can impale your roof and create huge water damage situations when you least expect it.
  • Make sure to have a plumbing professional inspect your entire system for corrosion and rust which may indicate a place in the line where a future pipe burst might occur.
  • Take a moment once a year or so to check on the working order of your sump pumps to ensure that they can handle any sized storm that passes through.

“This list denotes some of the more common sources of water damage and how to prevent them with simple maintenance, but there are plenty of others,” Allen says. “And so if people have questions about their particular situation, they should feel free to give us a call and find out more.”

If your home or company has recently experienced a water damage incident, and you want the property brought back to the way it was from the best in the business, then don’t hesitate to contact Allen and the water damage Avon Lake professionals with 911 Restoration Cleveland today!

Above Ground Pool Leaks and Floods Nearby Basement

Basement flooding is a common cause of water damage in the Cleveland area, and so taking on the challenges that it presents is fairly commonplace for Allen and his water damage Avon Lake crew, and that’s why they were able to get straight to the heart of the situation when they got a call last summer from a homeowner with an above ground pool next to it.

Water Damage Restoration Van Being Prepped“We got to the job and saw that the water was really low in the pool,” Allen says. “The homeowner didn’t even notice, and they thought the basement was flooding from a different leak. So we stopped the leak in the pool and then we took care of the basement.”

Allen and his team of water damage Avon Lake experts went straight to work extracting water from the basement and then removing soaked drywall and other waterlogged debris.

“We found where the water was entering the basement and plugged that so it would never leak again,” Allen says. “Then we steadily brought the property back to normal all while keeping the homeowner up to date the entire time.”

Allen and his water damage Avon Lake team did such quick work that they even got to the situation and fixed everything up before a mold contamination could set in and cause even more damage.

If your home is amid a flooding episode of some sort, or any other means of water infiltration, then don’t wait another minute to contact Allen and the water damage Avon Lake crew with 911 Restoration Cleveland today!

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